Title Cellular Operators’ Expansions in the OTT Realm – The GCC and Yemen
Description The popularity of OTT services grows in response to the elevated numbers of Internet users and connected devices. This has disrupted the rhythm of the cellular operators, which in turn called for unique measures to adapt to this now-established phenomenon. Arab Advisors Group released a new research report entitled "Cellular Operators' Expansions in the OTT Realm - The GCC and Yemen". The report answers the following questions. ● How did the GCC and Yemen’s cellular markets change for the period between 2017 and 2022? ● What steps have the operators taken to hedge against the negative implications of OTT services? ● What OTT offerings have been provided to subscribers by the cellular operators in the GCC and Yemen in 2022? ● How did cellular operators’ OTT offerings across the GCC and Yemen differ with respect to fees, benefits, and validities?
Date Feb 20, 2023